Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where do you find reconciliation?

The peaceful and law abiding Londoners are on the verge of violence, it is unbelievably unexpected from the country which is the 'master of democracy' and a 'strong welfare state'.

"I am the savior of the poor. Do ye, oh, poor! who have experienced the heaviness of rich men's hands, drink from my wells the waters of the doctrine of salvation, and ye may do this joyfully; for the time of your visitation is at hand. For I will divide the waters from the waters. The people are the waters. I will divide the humble from the haughty and treacherous. I will separate the elect from the reprobate, as light from darkness." William Fitz Osbert

Who is this man William Fitz Osbert?

Soon after the first wave of violence in London causes "Massacre of the Jews" at the coronation of Richard I in 1189, which was further entered in York. William Fitz Osbert, who had a university education, also participated in Crusade and had a civil office in London. History tells us that his eloquence was beyond measures. His wits and charismatic power provoked his followers to stood up against rich and that causes second eventful riots in 1196. His advocacy for poor made him amazingly famous and he became a champion of poor. This abdicated champion of poor was then easily and quickly suppressed and was hanged. But such events became more common in 12th & 13th centuries and they were become constant trouble for English kings.

I can still hear the voice of the deprived soul from the novel Pride & Prejudice (written by an english novelist Jane Austen). Lady Catherine being the 'aristocratic class' how mercilessly disrespected lower middle class Elizabeth Bennet by calling her "woman of inferior birth". This story doesn't jot the actual event but can easily portray the socioeconomic class discrimination and mentality of the people in 17th century. According to latest figures (2010) of "WHO's suicide rates per 100,000 by country", United Kingdom holds 49th position out of 107 countries, and you will find most of the attempts amongst 25-54 year male/female. If you seed such hate and deprivation one day you are asking depression in terms of suicide and violence in terms of oppression and revolt..

"When the revolutionary parties betray them, when the vanguard of workers shows it incapacity to lead the people to victory -- then the farmers, the small business men, the unemployed, the soldiers, etc., become capable of supporting a fascist movement, but only then". Leon Trotsky

From 6th to 10th of August 2011, riots, looting and arson were all over England. The reason was not just Mark Duggan who was shot down in the attempt of arrest by the metropolitan police. It takes years to erupt this lava by implanting these intangible genocides in to the hearts and minds of the people: joblessness, gap between rich and poor, consumerism, color, ethnicity, celebrity culture cornering community, hopelessness, frustration, disenfranchisement, envy, anger, boredom, greed, selfishness, language, humiliation, recklessness, hatred, voice suppressors, racism, injustice, cruelty, responsibility aversive aims, harassments of different types, sacral abuse, language/ethnic/religious abuse, pride and prejudice.

The solution to avoid these events lies in this powerful line "one who saves one life saves the world entire" - Talmud. Government & employers need to be responsible and should serve its people with utmost sincerity & equality and make the people feel proud and happy. Otherwise, the war between have(s) and have not(s) will take the world by storm (NOT just only England!!)

When stomach of the poor is empty and he watches a celebrity cooking Spanish Cuisine on the TV of the shop's display, what you expect him to do? Gracing consistency??? Err No!! Same formula goes with job and justice seekers!!

God is watching everyone and He will open His hearing at the day of Judgement soon! Lest not forget!!


Further Reading:

1. http://october2011.org/blogs/organizer/learning-successful-acts-resistance-around-world
2. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/201189165143946889.html
3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/aug/09/uk-riots-iran-condemns-police